Registration begins April 21st, 2025!
The program runs from June 23rd – August 8th.
This year’s theme is “COLOR OUR WORLD.” We have developed an excellent program for everyone of all ages! Activities include story hours, crafts, STEM projects, performances, reading clubs for kids, tech classes for adults, and much more. The main purpose of the SLP “Summer Learning Program” is to encourage participation in our daily programs and to Read, Read, Read. You can check out books using your library card and then log your books using your Beanstack account.
If you don’t have a library card apply by clicking this link or visiting your local library branch!
If you have a Beanstack account through JCFPL, you can use your current account to accept the Summer Reading Challenge on June 1, 2023, and begin logging your books. If you don’t have an account, click this link or visit your local branch, and one of our staff members will assist you in creating an account.
Pre-readers (Ages 1-5)

Pre-readers will have weekly story hours; check the calendar for times and locations. We will also offer Color Our World-themed STEM classes, special performances, and more. Pre-readers must participate in the reading challenge and log their books in Beanstack; any books heard at story hour or read to your child can be logged.
Juveniles (Ages 6-12)

Juveniles will have a Reading Club where they will check in with a staff member during their local branch’s reading club time. This is a time for kids and library staff to discuss the books they logged into Beanstack or read that week. They will have weekly crafts, Color Our World-themed STEM classes, and Fun Fridays for games, enjoyable activities, and performances. Be sure to join the Juvenile Reading Challenge online.
Teens (Ages 13-19)

Teens will have a program similar to the one for juveniles, featuring book discussions about the books they’ve logged in Beanstack or read that week, weekly crafts, STEM activities, coding classes, Fun Fridays, and much more. Be sure to join the Teen reading challenge online and log your books.
Adults (Ages 20+)

Adults will have a book club, computer tech classes, yoga class, adult arts and crafts, creating adult vision boards, rock coloring, SLP adult, bingo, 902 Brewing Happy Hour, LSC After Dark tickets and much more. Make sure you join the adult reading challenge online and log in tore the books you read.

Color Our World SLP Incentives
Color Our World – Gift Basket Raffle
Join us for an exciting opportunity! By the sixth week of the Color Our World program, any participant who logs all six required library visits in Beanstack will be entered into a raffle for a fabulous Color Our World SLP Gift Basket! There is one gift basket available at each participating branch, so make sure to select your home branch in your profile on Benastack. Remember, you can visit any library in the city!
Important Note: You have the flexibility to visit your home library consecutively up to six days, or you may choose to attend any program over the six-week duration, amounting to a total of six visits. Please remember that participants are allowed only one log per day for any program or event. For example, if you attend the Marion Branch for the Brxiology program on July 1st, just submit that visit; it’s that simple!
Color Our World – Celebrating our Top Participants and Most Logged Books with Fun Field Trips!
Five dedicated participants from each of our twelve branches will be selected to embark on an unforgettable library field trip! This trip is a reward for the youth and teen participants who have shown themselves to be dedicated community members during the JCFPL summer learning program. These participants did any of the following – read books, attended programs, or wrote book reviews
Ages 1-5 Booklist
Early Childhood Booklist
Juvenile Booklist
Young Adult Booklist
Adult Booklist

Stay Tuned!
Stay tuned for details on the incredible destinations we have in store for you! To ensure you’re in the running for this amazing opportunity, remember to log every book you read and actively participate in any of the engaging activities we offer at any branch throughout the program’s duration. Every book logged and each event attended brings you one step closer to this fantastic adventure! Don’t miss out on the chance to explore new horizons and create lasting memories through the joy of reading.
If you have any questions or issues, please get in touch with Tony Williams at awilliams@jclibrary.org. Don’t miss out on this exciting chance to win a fantastic gift and enjoy all our libraries offer!
Happy Reading!
Recording your library check-ins: