Library News
JCFPL’s Learning Center Forms Partnership with NYU

JCFPL’s Learning Center is proud to announce its new partnership with New York University’s famed Steinhardt School.
As a result of this collaboration, NYU students pursuing their Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) will now assist in Learning Center classrooms at 11 sites across the city.
“We are so excited about this partnership,” said Heather Woodley, who heads up the program at NYU. “The majority of our NYU students actually live in Jersey City, so this partnership will give them the opportunity to learn about their diverse communities while also developing their teaching skills and supporting their own neighbors.”
Eric Trader, Learning Center Director, heartily agreed. “This is such a win for all of us. Not only is JCFPL now a part of training next generation’s ESL pros, but everyone in our program—students and teachers alike—will benefit from the fresh ideas and passion invariably brought by grad students to the classroom.”
If you’re an experienced, certified, or pre-service teacher who would like to join our team, please register here.
If you represent an educational institution that would like to partner with JCFPL’s Learning Center, please contact Eric Trader at