Back-to-School Book Bag and Supply Giveaway

The summer is ending, and the start of the new school year will begin. No need to worry, the Jersey City Free Public Library is here to get you ready and to ensure your star student and their teacher are prepared to head back to the classroom.
So mark your calendars and join us for a day of giving and community fun at “Go Back to School with Your Library” on Thursday, August 31, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Glenn D. Cunningham Branch Library.
We want our students and teachers to ease back into the classroom, ready to learn without wondering if they have enough or the correct school items. So, JCFPL is handing out free book bags for students and tote bags for teachers filled with supplies. While supplies last.
And that’s not all! Get ready for some fun and entertainment. Spend the afternoon with your favorite librarians, meet JC Bigfoot, and learn about our free resources. We’re not done yet! Get your face painted with super cool designs, or wind down with a free 10-minute chair massage, and other free activities.
Make the transition back into school a memorable one.
See you at the Library.
*This event will be held rain or shine. A child(ren) must be present to retrieve a book bag. Limit four (4) per family.