Bringing Learning to Life: Field Trips at JCFPL’s Learning Center
Some people view field trips as a break from school and an escape from studies; but the teachers at JCFPL’s Learning Center (LC) beg to differ. As seen through three recent examples, LC teachers are using field trips as immersive learning experiences that bring the pages of their coursebooks to life. One recent example came … Continued

Learning Center Partners with Greater Bergen Community Action Head Start to Teach Parents
JCFPL’s Learning Center is proud to announce another exciting community partnership, this time with Greater Bergen Community Action Head Start. Under this partnership, the Learning Center is providing English as a Second Language classes to the parents of students at two Head Start locations: one in the Heights (93 Nelson Ave) and one near Lincoln … Continued

Exclusive Opportunity: Join Our Free Educational Programs at 153 Martin Luther King Drive
Council President Watterman is proud to announce a new partnership between the JCFPL Learning Center and the Hudson County Black Caucus Office, 153 Martin Luther King Drive. This collaboration is designed to provide our community with valuable educational and enrichment opportunities, aiming to empower residents through access to resources and knowledge. Our Offerings Include: Educational … Continued

JCFPL’s Learning Center Forms Partnership with NYU
JCFPL’s Learning Center is proud to announce its new partnership with New York University’s famed Steinhardt School. As a result of this collaboration, NYU students pursuing their Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) will now assist in Learning Center classrooms at 11 sites across the city. “We are so excited about this … Continued

School of Visual Arts Students Set Sights on JCFPL’s Learning Center
When four students from the School of Visual Arts (SVA) decided that they wanted to do their senior project on language barriers, they searched for ESL classes all across New York and New Jersey. “The four of us are each from a different country, so we were naturally interested in the problem of language barriers … Continued

JCFPL’s Learning Center Forms Partnership with NYU
The Learning Center at JCFPL is proud to announce its partnership with NYU’s Master of Arts Program for Teaching English to Students of Other Languages (TESOL). The MA TESOL students from NYU will be both participant observers and teaching interns in the Learning Center’s English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. This opportunity will … Continued

A Palette of Possibilities: Art Appreciation for ESL Students at The Learning Center
On December 6, 2023, Level 3 and 4 English students at JCFPL’s Learning Center attended an art appreciation workshop entitled, “History of Art vs. Art in History.” As the first in a year-long series of English-immersion experiences, this workshop aimed to expand the confines of traditional instruction by linking language learning to cultural understanding and … Continued

The Learning Center’s Fresh Take on English Education
This month, Learning Center Director Eric Trader led a free Workshop for Volunteer English Teachers entitled, “Creativity in the Classroom.” In this hands-on session, participants explored cutting-edge teaching methods through which traditional English classes can be transformed into vibrant hubs of student-led learning. Eric Trader’s Vision for Interactive Learning “At the Learning Center, we like … Continued

Discover the JCFPL Learning Center
We’re excited to introduce the JCFPL Learning Center, previously known as the Adult Literacy Program, a new initiative by the Jersey City Free Public Library to further foster education and personal development within our community. Our mission is to equip JCFPL patrons with the skills necessary to thrive in a globalized world and our vision … Continued